


Member states of the World Trade Organization conduct trade remedies ​investigations into their imports of some products that may include the Kingdom's exports, which may result in the imposition of trade remedies measures, which may limit the ability of the Kingdom's exports to access those markets. These investigations are limited to anti-dumping investigations countervailing and safeguards measures.

In defending the interests of the Kingdom and the access of its exports without restrictions, the Trade Remedies Deputyship (TRD) strives through the Department of Defense of Exports with producers and exporters in the Kingdom and in coordination with the concerned authorities to actively participate in these investigations and provide the necessary technical defense.​ ​

Defense of Exports Procedures:

  1. Defending the Kingdom’s interests and participating as an interested party in the trade remedies investigations against Saudi exports.
  2. Cooperating with the Saudi producers and exporters of the product under investigation to ensure their effective engagement in the investigations.
  3. Managing the dispute settlement cases in the WTO that are relevant to the trade remedies.
  4. Monitoring trade remedies proceedings on websites of the foreign investigating authorities and the WTO website whenever initiating investigations against Saudi exports.​

The Participation of the concerned producers and exporters ​


The effective participation of Saudi producers and exporters in the investigations of trade remedies plays a fundamental role in the Kingdom's success in defending its interests. In case of non-participation by the Saudi producers and exporters, they will considered non-cooperative​ parties by the foreign investigation authorities and accordingly be obliged for a maximum amount of the measures for several years during the imposition period.